Food and Beverage Trials
Come to our facility in San Leandro, CA, observe a concentration trial of your product and learn about our technology.
Our team of engineers and scientists will work with you to figure out your product and processing goals that can be commercially scaled and integrated into your current or future facility. We will facilitate the shipment of your product from around the world be it liquid or frozen, packaged in bags, pails, drums or totes. And we will ship back concentrated samples for evaluation, lab analysis or morket research.
Our demonstration systems are non-thermal, sanitary, with oxygen and temperature control that will concentrate your products to >65+ Brix.
We can support multiple volume requirements with our bench, batch and continuous processing pilots. Volume needs are dependent on concentration factors, densities and desired final product needs.
“Our first run was a complete success! The skid is perfect and well-designed…a lot less complicated to use than expected…CEO observed and was extremely impressed…Truly amazing technology that you have created here.”